Sunday, November 1, 2009

Opps She Did It Again!

The person I would choose to vote off would be Brittany spears. She started off as a great young role model but that quickly changed. Her reputation has been completely ruined and is now a nightmare to little children who she once inspired so much. Although lately she has fallen off the radar there was about a four to five year stretch where you could almost guarantee that her name was going to be on the six o’clock news. By the early age of twenty-one Brittany was set for life, her career sky rocketed and she could buy or have just about anything she wanted. This is not what you want little kids to see. Then they start to act the same way and by the time you know it, they are in trouble just like she is.
Some say Brittany’s’ downfall started when she got engaged to Kevin Federline. I would agree with this accusation. Her career was going great and she decided to put in on hold so that she could start a family. Shortly after she got engaged she announced that she was pregnant, all of this put her career to a complete halt. Being pregnant and starting a family meant she was no longer able to perform. This might have been the worst decision of her life, because not only did it end her career it also would make way for the roughest times of her life. The marriage was not exactly what she hoped for and even the pregnancy had complications. This looked to be too stressful and looked like she was having a complete melt down. She started doing many crazy things like shaving her head bald and even ended up in rehab for drugs. This was what the American children saw that looked up to her. She has sent too many negative messages to the children I think that world without her would be better for the little kids.
I try to hold people to the highest standard possible. Even celebrities, I personally hate turning on the T.V. and seeing how many celebrities are in rehab, jail or just have done something that is simply inexcusable. I understand that it happens to everyone and that celebrities just have the spot light on them but they make so much money that all they need to do is think before they act. I think it has a negative effect on little children when they see their favorite icon in trouble with the law or strung out on drugs. It is not just Brittany spears, another so called “role-model” that I think is the exact same is Miley Cyrus, She is following the exact same foot steps as earlier young celebrities. She won’t be the last either but I feel that if we make a start somewhere that eventually all of this will be cleaned up and children will be able to look up to their “role-models” again.