Sunday, October 11, 2009

OH GOD! Another Commercial

How many times have you been sitting on the couch and a commercial comes on the T.V. that you have already seen three maybe four times in a row? Its unbelievable how many times the same boring commercial is shown everyday. No one really likes the commercials but they are there and we have to deal with them. The Infomercials are the worst, especially at two or three in the morning when they come on and the guy is screaming through the television and you wake up to it. The commercials are usually advertising a very good product but then use a bad joke that no one understands in the commercial. Why can’t our commercials show some entertainment too? Maybe more people would actually watch them and not turn the channel.

Tiger Woods is one of the Worlds best and most fierce competitors, even he shows that he likes to have fun and does not have to be serious all the time. If commercials like this were shown I guarantee more people would watch them. When the commercial comes on you already know that he is going to hit that ball but how caught of guard would you be if this was the actual commercial, where he misses the ball? I don’t understand the point to advertise that a product is perfect and cannot fail. That’s pretty much what companies are saying when they advertise that their products do amazing things. We all know Nike produces some of the best golf clubs and accessories so I think it would be beneficial to make their commercials funny instead of follow the general norm for a commercial. Today’s’ Televisions are able to skip past the commercials so something is going to have to change in order to get people to watch them. I believe this is a great idea what about you?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Drinking Age

LOWER THE DRINKING AGE! I do not believe this just because I am an 18 year old college student. At the age of 18 you able to do many others things that you could not do before, why can’t consume alcohol be one of them? When you turn 18 you can buy cigarettes which are just as harmful to your body as alcohol. Yes, both of these are addictive but it is much easier to become addicted to cigarettes. There are multiple reasons I think the age should be lowered. When high school students get to their college what is the first thing they do? They go out and drink with there newly met friends regardless of their age. It is illegal but it is still done. The worse part is students that are just starting to drink do not know how to. They go out and consume as much as they can because they do not know when they have had enough. If the age is lowered to 18 they will have time before going in to college to start drinking and learn the limits. This could save lives, there are people that die from alcohol poisoning because they thought they could keep drinking. After you throw up your first time you know exactly how much you can handle.
I understand the argument against lower the age because of drunk drivers. I don’t agree with this at all because even people who are 21 drive under the influence. There is no 100% positive way to stop drunk driving. The thing that doesn’t make sense to me at all is the fact that we as citizens can enroll in our military and die for our country, but yet we can not go downtown and enjoy a beer or two. What kind of sense does that make? None if you ask me, three out of every four students (75%) have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school. This is a statistic from a survey in 2005. So after reading this I will ask you. Are you for or against lowering the drinking age?