Sunday, October 11, 2009

OH GOD! Another Commercial

How many times have you been sitting on the couch and a commercial comes on the T.V. that you have already seen three maybe four times in a row? Its unbelievable how many times the same boring commercial is shown everyday. No one really likes the commercials but they are there and we have to deal with them. The Infomercials are the worst, especially at two or three in the morning when they come on and the guy is screaming through the television and you wake up to it. The commercials are usually advertising a very good product but then use a bad joke that no one understands in the commercial. Why can’t our commercials show some entertainment too? Maybe more people would actually watch them and not turn the channel.

Tiger Woods is one of the Worlds best and most fierce competitors, even he shows that he likes to have fun and does not have to be serious all the time. If commercials like this were shown I guarantee more people would watch them. When the commercial comes on you already know that he is going to hit that ball but how caught of guard would you be if this was the actual commercial, where he misses the ball? I don’t understand the point to advertise that a product is perfect and cannot fail. That’s pretty much what companies are saying when they advertise that their products do amazing things. We all know Nike produces some of the best golf clubs and accessories so I think it would be beneficial to make their commercials funny instead of follow the general norm for a commercial. Today’s’ Televisions are able to skip past the commercials so something is going to have to change in order to get people to watch them. I believe this is a great idea what about you?


  1. This is so true! I hate commercials that are so boring and you just can't watch them anymore... it's the worst. But anyway, they should definitely put bloopers as commercials and television would be much more enjoyable.

  2. That's funny, I hate commercials! And I normally mute the TV when the commercials come on, or i completely leave the room. It would be in the companies best interest to make the commercials more interesting, like the super bowl commercials! I love watching those! But that's the only time of the year that i will actually watch commercials. Good post! :)

  3. This video is pretty cool. I agree with what you are saying, nost of the time commercials to me means "break time". I never pay attention to them because i know most of them word by word now.
    Great video & nice topic!

  4. In my opinion I dont like boring commercials that dont make any sense. I see a variety of commercials everytime I tune in to my TV. Good job.

  5. Thank goodness for premium channels, with premium channels I don't have to worry about commercials, and I could fast forward through content I have no interest in. This commercial and your view point... It would be wonderful if commercials were a bit more real with the ideas they were attempting to sell. The great Tiger Woods had to start somewhere, this commercial assisted in the humanization of the golf machine that Mr.Woods happens to be. This is how you sell your products. Being human comes with being flawed and having fun.

  6. I agree with your last sentence, the advancement in technology does make it possible to skip through commercials so they will need a new way to advertise things, i'd like to see what happens next. But i never watch commercials anymore, i usually just flip through channels during the breaks. Interesting blog though.

  7. Ha, that was funny. The whole time I was watching it, my mind was screaming "Epic Fail!" I'm all for more interesting/humorous commercials. And I agree with Danielle, the super bowl ones are the best!

    And yes, infomercials are hilarious! My brother recently purchased a SlapChop, after watching the infomercial/rap about it on YouTube. It actually works pretty well so...yeah. :P

  8. That is awesome, I completely agree though that letting commercials show that these people are human is a great way to connect to the audience. Its like the NFL ads like "THis is why I am NFL" or something. It shows them to be super human and make no mistakes. Amazingly unrealistic to any normal human.
