Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Illegal Immigration. Should We Address This Problem? Or Ignore It?

Some people say illegal immigration is not a problem, some say that illegal immigration is a cause of our economical down fall. The total number of jobs taken by illegal immigrants is about eleven million and is increasing. The image shows that illegal immigrants will do anything to have a better life, even if it is pulling the oldest trick in the books. This has become a growing problem in the United States as legal Americans have lost jobs, homes, families because they are unable to find a job. So I ask you, what do you think about this topic?

I believe that this topic is very controversial in that the standard of living in America is greater than in Mexico, but that is not an excuse. I personally do not like my taxes increasing in order to pay for illegal immigrants’ health care. I do not have a problem with immigration as long as it is done in the right way. I understand that it takes a while to get valid passports and what not, but I do believe being here illegally does hurt the economy. I am not blaming illegal immigrants for the downfall because that would be insane. The border is simply too big to keep secured every day. I think the United States border patrol has a very tough challenge they are facing and I give them credit. Like I said before I have no problem with immigration as long as it is done the right way.

I think that this image is effective in showing how desperate people are to come to America. The image shows the Trojan horse at our gates much like the Horse the Greeks used at Troy. The horse is turned in to a piƱata to show that the picture is actually aiming at illegal immigration from Mexico. The life in America is much greater than in Mexico but if more and more illegal immigrants come in than what exactly is the benefit of being an American citizen? Health care prices will just keep rising for American citizens; Jobs will be taken from under us. There will be significant problems if the United States just lets this problem go and does nothing about it. So I ask one more time, what do you think about this topic?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

High School Humor

High school humor is a very unique one in that some of the things we do will get us in trouble but in our mind it is well worth it. This is the exact quote from someone that found out that high school humor can have high consequences. Four years ago my friend was a senior at Thomas Johnson High School. Now we all know that when you are a big bad senior you want to leave your mark at the school for other people to remember you. This is usually done by what are called “Senior Pranks” These pranks usually are not suppose to harm anyone or cause damage to anything, just a joke that helps you top off your 4 years at high school. One last joke, laugh and good time is exactly what my friend thought.
It was a late October night when this so called brilliant idea was put together. Three eighteen year old seniors were sitting around watching Sunday night football together when they brought up high school memories. This isn’t unusual at all, as every group of friends reminisces once in a while. The idea of a senior prank was brought up by one of the friends. They through multiple ideas around some very mischievous some too weak to even count as a prank, it took about three hours for them to decide. There senior prank was to spray paint the lines in the parking lot all white. At Thomas Johnson High School the parking spots were assigned Blue lines meant teacher spot, white lines meant student spot. I bet the school did not expect to see all of their lines painted white when they came back in the morning. At about four in the morning the group of friends decided they were going to carry out their plan and they headed to the school. Four cans of spray paint later all the lines in the three different parking lots were painted white. It didn’t take long at all for their prank to be noticed. That day in school that’s all you heard as you were walking down the halls. “Being the one who did it I was a bit nervous” This is a quote that explains his day. The principal came on the announcements and they even offered a reward for an undisclosed amount. The administrators really wanted to catch these people. It took the administrators a total of two days until they found out exactly who was part of the group. Word sure does spread fast when you’re in high school. Each person in the group had to pay five hundred dollars a piece for the lines to get repainted. They were all suspended for ten days for their actions. “I still believed that it was worth it at the time, but now when I look back on it, probably wasn’t one of my most proud moments but we all make mistakes”
With this said I think we all can agree we have had our moments where High School Humor has either caused trouble or lead to things that could have been avoided.

Monday, September 14, 2009


McDonalds, is it the cornerstone of the fast food industry? Or just another aspect of life that us as Americans take advantage of? If you look at what McDonalds means to American society you will see that it is not just a Fast food restaurant but part of an Americans everyday life. Every day about one quarter of the U.S. population eats fast food.

I recently took time to sit in a McDonalds and observe my surroundings pulled up to the McDonalds on seventh street and the first thing I noticed were the giant golden arches out front and the color scheme of red, gold and white. As soon as I walked through the door, my immediate observation was the smell of the grease. Since I was not rushing in to grab my hamburger and run back out, I took notice to the smell. I sat down in a booth and as I looked around I noticed the fast-moving environment around me. The lines were long at both the register and the condiment area. As I looked around at the different people eating, I noticed that not many people were talking. There were a variety of people in throughout the McDonalds. Over in the corner was an elderly couple drinking their coffee just gazing around. Across from me was a group of four adults in camouflage and Ft. Deterick I.D. badge. Out side sitting were two families each with little kids. There is not just a certain group of people that orders fast food it’s anyone, I noticed this as I looked over at the soda machine to see a tall man in a business suit and a laptop carrier around his arm. They were too occupied by their great tasting cheeseburgers and their salt covered french fries. I sat and listened to the different noises. You could hear the chatter of the workers from the back along with the crackling sound from the burgers being wrapped. Before I left, I recapped what I had just observed and the most astonishing thing was the fact that no one communicated to each other. The people in line had either their eyes glued to the menus or they had their heads down. I looked at the tables no one was communicating to each other just eating in their own happy world.

Just some thing to think about the golden arches are now more widely recognized than the Christian cross. So as I leave you with this observation I ask one question. Is McDonalds the cornerstone of the fast food industry? Or is it just another aspect of live that us as Americans take advantage of?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Recalling An Experience

Everyone experiences something that they can recall, something that they can relive without missing a beat. My experience was very painful but happens to yield a very important lesson. I was at working a Friday night at a restaurant so we were very busy. I was running around frantically doing things left and right to make it through the dinner rush. It was very busy and we were short handed missing one staff member. As I am putting a container away in one of the freezers I closed my fingers in the door. This obviously hurt very badly but I couldn’t stop I had to keep working. Later on that night, I was cleaning off one of the units and cut my hand on a knife that was laying there. Needless to say my night was not going smoothly. So as we are closing down and washing everything up I go to take the lids to one of our units off of the dishwashing rack and sliced my hand open. Instead of going slowly while taking these off I pulled and they got caught on the ledge on the dishwasher. The part that I had my hand on was very sharp so the cuts were very deep on two of my fingers on my right hand. Immediately I grabbed my hand feeling the sharp pain I knew exactly what I had done. I grabbed two towels and wrapped my hand up applying pressure to try to stop the bleeding. This didn’t work at all, as I was doing this my manager called my parents to come get me because there was no way I was driving to the hospital. As soon as she got there we headed towards the hospital. My fingers were still bleeding but not as bad. We got in the emergency room and luckily there were only a few people there. About fifteen minutes passed and they called me back. The bleeding had slowed down so I stopped worrying so much. I ended up getting three stitches in two fingers and one in two others that were cut but not as bad. To make my night worse the doctor must not have used enough medicine because I could feel the doctor putting in my stitches. I left the hospital and went home for the night. It was not a good idea to begin with to not stop and show caution when picking up something sharp. So I paid the consequences, this made my night even worse because I had to take a trip to the emergency room. Unfortunately I had to slice myself open in order to realize you must use caution dealing with sharp objects. Everyone experiences something that they can recall, something that they can relive without missing a beat.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

" Just Do It"

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "Just Do It" This fits my lifestyle perfectly because I am a very fast moving person. I don’t tend to waste much time on things I like to get them done and move on. This view has its pros in cons just as every other thing in life.

The pros definitely outweigh the cons in that it is easier for me to make a mistake while I’m rushing through things but I am able to complete so much more throughout the day. I don't usually double check anything unless it is something important such as locking my car or the front door. It does have an effect on my school work because I even tend not to check papers before they are turned in resulting in a lower grade due to minor mistakes. In fact when I was in High school I started to work on a packet during class right after the teacher had told us to wait. I was not paying attention to her, I was just rushing through the packet. I finished it and went to turn it in. Only to find out I was the last one to turn it in because while I was working the class was told to skip problems two through nine. Since I completed the whole packet I was able to earn extra credit. In this case the pros massively outweighed the cons.

This way of life has become very useful in the workforce. I am not an employee that likes to play around. I do not take pride in my job but I like to get things done and out of the way so that I can move on or leave early. I like to believe that this is the best way for someone to drive an automobile. I think this because if you look in your mirror and see nothing but wait to merge in or switch lanes by the time you go there could be a car there. Also if you hesitate while doing something you are more likely to fail or make a mistake. That’s the way I like to think on the road some may call it reckless driving but it gets me from point A to B safely.

This motto can go along with anything in life. As long as you are willing to accept some of the consequences then I believe that this is a lifestyle that many people should live by and I am sure there are many others with this personal outlook. So if you want to accomplish something why wait? Just Do It.