Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Recalling An Experience

Everyone experiences something that they can recall, something that they can relive without missing a beat. My experience was very painful but happens to yield a very important lesson. I was at working a Friday night at a restaurant so we were very busy. I was running around frantically doing things left and right to make it through the dinner rush. It was very busy and we were short handed missing one staff member. As I am putting a container away in one of the freezers I closed my fingers in the door. This obviously hurt very badly but I couldn’t stop I had to keep working. Later on that night, I was cleaning off one of the units and cut my hand on a knife that was laying there. Needless to say my night was not going smoothly. So as we are closing down and washing everything up I go to take the lids to one of our units off of the dishwashing rack and sliced my hand open. Instead of going slowly while taking these off I pulled and they got caught on the ledge on the dishwasher. The part that I had my hand on was very sharp so the cuts were very deep on two of my fingers on my right hand. Immediately I grabbed my hand feeling the sharp pain I knew exactly what I had done. I grabbed two towels and wrapped my hand up applying pressure to try to stop the bleeding. This didn’t work at all, as I was doing this my manager called my parents to come get me because there was no way I was driving to the hospital. As soon as she got there we headed towards the hospital. My fingers were still bleeding but not as bad. We got in the emergency room and luckily there were only a few people there. About fifteen minutes passed and they called me back. The bleeding had slowed down so I stopped worrying so much. I ended up getting three stitches in two fingers and one in two others that were cut but not as bad. To make my night worse the doctor must not have used enough medicine because I could feel the doctor putting in my stitches. I left the hospital and went home for the night. It was not a good idea to begin with to not stop and show caution when picking up something sharp. So I paid the consequences, this made my night even worse because I had to take a trip to the emergency room. Unfortunately I had to slice myself open in order to realize you must use caution dealing with sharp objects. Everyone experiences something that they can recall, something that they can relive without missing a beat.


  1. That blows. I've never had to get stitches, but I have definitely cut myself open because I was careless. It sucks and stings for days lol.

  2. That's intense man im sure you couldn't forget that if you tried. i used to work at a pizzeria and i watched one of my coworkers cut his finger off once, like completely severed from his hand it was wild

  3. Things just didn't want to go your way that night. Its unfortunate you had to get hurt to learn the lesson but we all learn differently. I certainly hope ur hand is 100% better and you don't make such a mistake again. Intense writing man.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. CJ sounds like you've just been troubled your whole life. Slicing your fingers, being vertically challenged. Rough childhood. Ha, but good story. Never had stitches, and hope to never have to get them.

  6. WOW! sounds like you had a rough night at work. I have been in your situation with a broken finger, surgery and stitches. I also could feel the stitches go in and out and thats not something i want to relive. I feel your pain.

  7. Yeah becareful when working, especially if you are working with knives.
