Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Illegal Immigration. Should We Address This Problem? Or Ignore It?

Some people say illegal immigration is not a problem, some say that illegal immigration is a cause of our economical down fall. The total number of jobs taken by illegal immigrants is about eleven million and is increasing. The image shows that illegal immigrants will do anything to have a better life, even if it is pulling the oldest trick in the books. This has become a growing problem in the United States as legal Americans have lost jobs, homes, families because they are unable to find a job. So I ask you, what do you think about this topic?

I believe that this topic is very controversial in that the standard of living in America is greater than in Mexico, but that is not an excuse. I personally do not like my taxes increasing in order to pay for illegal immigrants’ health care. I do not have a problem with immigration as long as it is done in the right way. I understand that it takes a while to get valid passports and what not, but I do believe being here illegally does hurt the economy. I am not blaming illegal immigrants for the downfall because that would be insane. The border is simply too big to keep secured every day. I think the United States border patrol has a very tough challenge they are facing and I give them credit. Like I said before I have no problem with immigration as long as it is done the right way.

I think that this image is effective in showing how desperate people are to come to America. The image shows the Trojan horse at our gates much like the Horse the Greeks used at Troy. The horse is turned in to a piƱata to show that the picture is actually aiming at illegal immigration from Mexico. The life in America is much greater than in Mexico but if more and more illegal immigrants come in than what exactly is the benefit of being an American citizen? Health care prices will just keep rising for American citizens; Jobs will be taken from under us. There will be significant problems if the United States just lets this problem go and does nothing about it. So I ask one more time, what do you think about this topic?


  1. Wow, this is a crazy image that can be taken so many different ways. I like how you looked at it as more illegal immigrants trying to get in. It can also be interpreted that Mexico is making fun of our border patrol for allowing it to be so easy to get in.

  2. This image is very contriversial. I agree that illegal immegrants have made an impact on the economy. but my opinion is that without immagration NONE of us would be here. ALL of us are immagrants-that is why america is america-because of our different cultures joining together to make a new one.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So the question now would be: How do we find all of the illegal immigrants? I agree with you. Illegal immigrants are taking up jobs that the American people really need these days to survive. I do agree with what Sami said, but it's the one's who came here illegally that have taken jobs that people who came here fairly should have gotten first.

  5. It is true that illegal immigrants have taken the jobs that American people need these days. But even before this economy went into a downward spiral, those jobs were seldom even considered by the working citizen used to making +$25 an hr. However I do believe that "illegals" regardless of nationality should be deported and the jobs at McDonalds be given to our nationalized citizens if their not that humble at making minimum wage.

  6. It is just crazy what illegal Mexicans can do to our country. Unemployment is at 9.6% and there are 11+ million jobs taken from real Americans by illegal immigrants? That's mind boggling! In my opinion all we need to do (easier said than done) is pull our troops out of the Middle East where there is no hope for the people there because they still cling onto religion, and place OUR troops on OUR OWN border. We need to pass the Arizona law for the whole country and crack down on illegal immigrants and deport them back to their home countries (Mexico). We then would not be pumping money into the wars, jobs wouldn't be taken by illegal immigrants, and the economy could recover. Also we should lower the aid we send to other countries, because if we can't even take care of our own citizens, how can we help others around the world? We could be cutting billions from budgets saving the American economy.

  7. this is a huge melting pot so shut the hell up!
