Thursday, September 3, 2009

" Just Do It"

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "Just Do It" This fits my lifestyle perfectly because I am a very fast moving person. I don’t tend to waste much time on things I like to get them done and move on. This view has its pros in cons just as every other thing in life.

The pros definitely outweigh the cons in that it is easier for me to make a mistake while I’m rushing through things but I am able to complete so much more throughout the day. I don't usually double check anything unless it is something important such as locking my car or the front door. It does have an effect on my school work because I even tend not to check papers before they are turned in resulting in a lower grade due to minor mistakes. In fact when I was in High school I started to work on a packet during class right after the teacher had told us to wait. I was not paying attention to her, I was just rushing through the packet. I finished it and went to turn it in. Only to find out I was the last one to turn it in because while I was working the class was told to skip problems two through nine. Since I completed the whole packet I was able to earn extra credit. In this case the pros massively outweighed the cons.

This way of life has become very useful in the workforce. I am not an employee that likes to play around. I do not take pride in my job but I like to get things done and out of the way so that I can move on or leave early. I like to believe that this is the best way for someone to drive an automobile. I think this because if you look in your mirror and see nothing but wait to merge in or switch lanes by the time you go there could be a car there. Also if you hesitate while doing something you are more likely to fail or make a mistake. That’s the way I like to think on the road some may call it reckless driving but it gets me from point A to B safely.

This motto can go along with anything in life. As long as you are willing to accept some of the consequences then I believe that this is a lifestyle that many people should live by and I am sure there are many others with this personal outlook. So if you want to accomplish something why wait? Just Do It.


  1. That's so true, that you should do what you want, rather than putting it off. I think this especially because you never know when the chance to do it again may come, if ever. taking risks is one of the most important things you can do in life :)

  2. Acting without hesitation, while dangerous, is usually the most rewarding. Thumbs up to you and your bumper sticker, my friend.


  3. so true man you will never know what life holds if you never take it!

  4. I like your bumper sticker philosophy. It makes a lot of sense. I likeyy :)

  5. like i always said live life to the fullest, great bumper sticker

  6. that's a good way to prevent procrastination, just do it, feels so much better when its done anyway

  7. I agree with you! Without that "Just do it" attitude, you can talk yourself out of doing just about anything...whether out of fear, laziness, or procrastination. Next time I'm feeling weary or lazy and I'm about to persuade myself out of the fifteen minute drive to the gym, I'm going to say to myself, "just do it." Great bumper sticker and great attitude!

  8. i understand wat your saying. =] and i agree, but not everyone is fast moving like you. i wish i was!! lol life would be a whole lot easier if people werent sooooo slowww! haha =]

  9. Well done CJ. Although I usually procrastinate, I like to try to get things done.

  10. Just do it is a good way to look at things, I like your philosophy. Most people wait forever or stall but it's gotta be done sometime so just do it.
